Month: February 2023
The Guardian Legend (NES)
(Review archived from April 6, 2018) Over the years I’ve seen The Guardian Legend referred to in various places as a ‘hidden gem’ on the NES. And I think that’s an apt assessment. It’s not what I’d necessarily call an extraordinary game, but it is a good game, and one that deserves to be recognized for its…
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (PSP)
(Review archived from April 4, 2018) I definitely took the long way around on this one, but in the end the journey was highly worthwhile. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions is an enhanced PSP port of Final Fantasy Tactics (which originally appeared on PS1). Among these enhancements, the most noteworthy might be the…
The Colonel’s Bequest (PC/GOG)
(Review archived from March 12, 2018) The Colonel’s Bequest wears its murder mystery inspirations on its sleeve. This is a ‘murder mystery in a mansion’ that plays it fairly straight as an homage to the works of Agatha Christie most prominently. The heroine detective, the time period, and the menagerie of possible suspects are all…
The Great Giana Sisters (Amiga)
(Review archived from March 5, 2018) Wow, just get a load of that cover art. It’s almost as if the box art for Mega Man had a sister … and she wasn’t too keen on wearing bras. This game is a bit notorious as being a straight rip-off of Super Mario Bros., but that’s plainly…
Half-Life: Source (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from February 2, 2018) Half-Life was a game that I missed at the time of its original release and never got around to playing in subsequent years. The primary reason for this is that I was an exclusive console gamer at the time and too darned poor to really delve into the popular…
Assassin’s Creed II: Discovery (DS)
(Review archived from January 31, 2018) Do you have any particular games or game series that you enjoy despite some commonly held negative consensus? Assassin’s Creed is that for me. I won’t try to defend it, because many of those common criticisms ring true (occasionally janky controls, artificial extension of playtime through open world shenanigans,…
Mickey Mousecapade (NES)
(Review archived from January 25, 2018) I have a bit of nefarious history with Mickey Mousecapade that I’ve never admitted to anyone … until now. The year was 1988, Christmas time. At this point the NES had been a resident of our household for almost exactly one year (I’d received it as a Christmas gift…
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Justice for All (3DS)
(Review archived from January 25, 2018) The Phoenix Wright series has always struck me as an idea that doesn’t really work on paper. A visual novel series developed by Capcom with popular appeal in mind, half of which takes place inside a courtroom? But against all odds, the Phoenix Wright series found success, a sizeable…
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES)
(Review archived from January 17, 2018) The first thing I need to make clear is that I’m completely biased in my views regarding Batman: The Animated Series. For me this version of Batman remains the definitive onscreen version of the character and that includes cinematic adaptations. The Animated Series gave Batman fans something to hold…