Category: Game Boy (GB)
Ninja Gaiden Shadow (GB)
(Review archived from April 8, 2023) Ninja Gaiden is another in a long line of popular 8-bit franchises to have tested the waters with a Game Boy release. My past experience with Game Boy franchise installments has been rather excellent! Legend of Zelda made an incredibly solid transition to Nintendo’s portable system. Mega Man retained…
Operation C (GB)
(Review archived from August 16, 2018) Conceptualize with me for a moment if you will. Your dear old mother NESsie used to make a wonderful soup. It was a delicious mix of big tasty set pieces floating in a lively broth and garnished with the utmost in crispy control schemes. She called this soup Contra.…
Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) You know what? For this one I’m just going to paste in the notes that I took over the course of playing the game with only slight editing: Love the callback to the original Castlevania in which the character walks across the screen before the beginning of each level.…
Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Wow, Castlevania’s first outing on the GameBoy is really something ain’t it? I mean, wow it’s just … wow. Look, truth be known I think I could be more forgiving towards this game if it wasn’t a Castlevania game. But it is a Castlevania game, and as such I feel that I need to make…
Super Mario Land (GB)
(Review archived from March 11, 2015) Super Mario Land is pretty good for a GameBoy platformer, I’m just not entirely convinced it’s a great Mario game. What I mean is that if you swapped out the Mario sprite and animations in this game for any other random platforming hero, this game would be almost unidentifiable…