Category: Genesis
Altered Beast (Genesis)
(Review archived from March 17, 2023) WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM! Er … welcome to this brief review of Altered Beast, a game that is inextricably linked to the history of the Sega Genesis thanks largely due to being included as a pack-in game with the system at launch. Sega’s unforgettable (at times notorious) marketing strategy…
Rocket Knight Adventures (Genesis)
(Review archived from January 26, 2019) Despite the fact that Rocket Knight Adventures is a Konami title, I can’t help but draw mental comparisons to some of the better known Treasure games released for Sega systems. And because Treasure was actually formed by ex-Konami employees, I can’t help but wonder whether that connection actually has…
Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)
(Review archived from October 8, 2018) Prior to playing Gunstar Heroes I had only a vague familiarity with Treasure’s back catalog of titles. And while Gunstar Heroes isn’t necessarily representative of the entire Treasure oeuvre, I think it does expose some elements of the ‘Treasure philosophy’ of game design. Gunstar Heroes is a thrill-ride run-n-gun…
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
(Review archived from May 3, 2018) Time spent with a classic is always time well spent. Time spent delving into the arcane and obscure can of course be quite rewarding as well, but the classics represent the high water marks for any given discipline. And when we ensconce ourselves in the classics we are able…
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
(Review archived from July 29, 2015) True confessions time. This is the first game I’ve ever beaten for a Sega console. Shocking I know. While I certainly wouldn’t ascribe to being a Nintendo fanboy, I exclusively played Nintendo consoles growing up until such time that I moved on to Sony based hardware. So Sega consoles…