Category: PlayStation (PS1)
Medal of Honor: Underground (PS1)
(Review archived from April 2, 2023) I have a soft spot for the ubiquitous WWII FPS for largely the same reason (among others) that I enjoy the Assassin’s Creed series; the gamification of historical events is something that appeals to me. And it tends to work both ways really. Having some fore-knowledge of the historical…
DonPachi (Cyclone’s Best) (PS1)
(Review archived from January 4, 2019) I’m pretty sure the translation for the phrase ‘DonPachi’ means ‘LoveHate’. Okay I totally made that part up, but it perfectly describes my experience with this game. I loved the non-stop action and the thrilling amount of firepower unleashed when your weapons are fully charged. I loved the graphics…
Capcom Generations: Chronicles of Arthur: Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (PS1)
(Review archived from October 30, 2018) The real question of course is why one would wear only a pair of boxer shorts under a full suit of plate mail. I mean the chaffing alone must be horrid, not to mention the oxidation effects of all that sweat build-up in the armor itself. Ah well, maybe when you…
Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version (PS1)
(Review archived from October 29, 2018) Part of what I enjoyed the about the first Resident Evil game was how well it was able to fulfill its cinematic aspirations and the degree to which it was an homage to its influences in horror cinema. Particularly in the first half of the game, it really has…
Koudelka (PS1)
(Review archived from October 10, 2018) At the time Koudelka was released, there was a marked trend that games should be ‘mature’, and Koudelka certainly adheres to that philosophy. But where many ‘mature’ games from this era flew too close to the sun and subsequently dissolved into ‘tryhard edgelord hilarity’, Koudelka largely hits its intended…
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus: Salamander (PS1)
(Review archived from April 25, 2018) Shoot’em ups are always an interesting genre for me. By and large I completely suck at them, but because I completely suck, it’s almost as if they become that much more interesting to me. They’re like this ungraspable ‘other’ that I can never fully comprehend, and the harder I try to do so, the farther…
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut – DualShock Ver. (PS1)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Can you believe that I had never played a Resident Evil game to completion!? I was always more of a Silent Hill guy, and the trappings of Resident Evil had always seemed a bit campy for my tastes. And you know what? Resident Evil is totally campy. But in a good way. This…
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
(Review archived from October 10, 2014) This one has been in my backlog forever. I finally got around to playing it as part of my annual Halloween Gaming Blowout this year, and I had a blast. I finished it with 200.2% completion (with the help of a walkthrough), and was captivated by the masterful gameplay and…