nullGaming: Retroversing the Void
  • Chrono Trigger (DS)

    Chrono Trigger (DS)

    (Review archived from January 4, 2019) Can you believe that I had never played Chrono Trigger until now!? Well it was high time I remedied this blind spot in my gaming repertoire, and an unseasonably cold November seemed like as good a time as any to rectify that. Chrono Trigger is absolutely deserving of the…

  • Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den (PC/Steam)

    Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from January 4, 2019) Although it’s been a few years since I played Bioshock 2, I had never completed this DLC expansion pack. But to call Minerva’s Den a mere ‘expansion pack’ is a bit of a disservice actually. What we have here is a full-fledged single player campaign with a nicely written…

  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PC/Steam)

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from November 21, 2018) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time served to reboot the venerable Prince of Persia series following on the heels of Prince of Persia 3D which was the series’ first fully 3D title … albeit a rather poor game. Thankfully The Sands of Time provided a fresh start for…

  • Shadow of the Ninja (NES)

    Shadow of the Ninja (NES)

    (Review archived from November 15, 2018) I’d go so far as to say that Shadow of the Ninja is one of the best ninja games released on the NES. And given the popularity that ninjas enjoyed during the lifespan of the NES, it’s a console that featured a fair number of games featuring them. Even…

  • Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: The Lost Archive (PC/Steam)

    Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: The Lost Archive (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from November 4, 2018) The Lost Archive has us assuming the role of Clay Kaczmarek who was the ill-fated predecessor of Desmond Miles in the Animus project. There’s not a whole lot of plot to be found in this expansion, but it’s here that we learn a little bit about the history of the enigmatic…

  • Cube Escape Series Retrospective: Part 1 (Android)

    Cube Escape Series Retrospective: Part 1 (Android)

    (Review archived from October 31, 2018) I have to be completely honest here. I played a lot of horror games in October. And as the close of the month drew near I was starting to face some burnout. Well, maybe ‘burnout’ is the wrong word for it. I was facing some significant indecisiveness regarding what to play…

  • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (PC/Steam)

    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from October 31, 2018) Once you get deep into an episodic story, it gets a little bit hard to talk about without spoilers. I’m going to do my best to avoid that in this review, but do be aware that I’m talking about the fourth game (or fifth depending on how you count…

  • Capcom Generations: Chronicles of Arthur: Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (PS1)

    Capcom Generations: Chronicles of Arthur: Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (PS1)

    (Review archived from October 30, 2018) The real question of course is why one would wear only a pair of boxer shorts under a full suit of plate mail. I mean the chaffing alone must be horrid, not to mention the oxidation effects of all that sweat build-up in the armor itself. Ah well, maybe when you…

  • Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version (PS1)

    Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version (PS1)

    (Review archived from October 29, 2018) Part of what I enjoyed the about the first Resident Evil game was how well it was able to fulfill its cinematic aspirations and the degree to which it was an homage to its influences in horror cinema. Particularly in the first half of the game, it really has…