nullGaming: Retroversing the Void
  • Splatterhouse (PCE)

    Splatterhouse (PCE)

    (Review archived from October 16, 2018) Ah … Splatterhouse. After the intensely cerebral ‘thinking man’s horror’ experience of Silent Hill 2, perhaps I just needed to step into the big, dumb shoes of an unthinking brute, a primal force who solves problems by means of beating the ever-loving piss out of them with a 2×4. I recently…

  • Silent Hill 2 (PC)

    Silent Hill 2 (PC)

    (Review archived from October 15, 2018) In my restless dreams,I see that town.Silent Hill.You promised you’d take methere again someday.… But you never did. Well I’m alone there now …In our ‘special place’ …Waiting for you. If you’ve played Silent Hill 2 before, you know these words well. Heck, if you’re a superfan you can…

  • Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

    Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

    (Review archived from October 14, 2018) Castlevania: Dracula X is often remembered as being one of the weaker entries in the Castlevania lineage, and that’s only if it gets remembered at all. Because for better or worse it also tends to be shuffled off as an extremely scaled back port of Rondo of Blood. But…

  • Koudelka (PS1)

    Koudelka (PS1)

    (Review archived from October 10, 2018) At the time Koudelka was released, there was a marked trend that games should be ‘mature’, and Koudelka certainly adheres to that philosophy. But where many ‘mature’ games from this era flew too close to the sun and subsequently dissolved into ‘tryhard edgelord hilarity’, Koudelka largely hits its intended…

  • Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)

    Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)

    (Review archived from October 8, 2018) Prior to playing Gunstar Heroes I had only a vague familiarity with Treasure’s back catalog of titles. And while Gunstar Heroes isn’t necessarily representative of the entire Treasure oeuvre, I think it does expose some elements of the ‘Treasure philosophy’ of game design. Gunstar Heroes is a thrill-ride run-n-gun…

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Trials and Tribulations (3DS)

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Trials and Tribulations (3DS)

    (Review archived from October 5, 2018) Reviewing the third title in the Ace Attorney Trilogy is a bit like sitting down with a packet of jelly beans and writing a review for the third one you eat … after having written separate reviews for the first two. Sure, each one might have subtle individual nuances…

  • Battletoads (NES)

    Battletoads (NES)

    (Review archived from August 25, 2018) I can’t accurately sum up in words the feeling of unadulterated elation I felt upon beating BattleToads. I have been playing this game on and off for decades, and yet I only just beat it this year. Much to my chagrin I can accurately say that I’ve played this…

  • Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2)

    Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2)

    (Review archived from August 20, 2018) Ah … the ubiquitous 6th gen WWII FPS, the genre equivalent of white bread to a console generation that birthed a glut of them. I won’t lie; I’ve put off put off reviewing Call of Duty: Finest Hour after having beaten it because I couldn’t imagine what I might…

  • Operation C (GB)

    Operation C (GB)

    (Review archived from August 16, 2018) Conceptualize with me for a moment if you will. Your dear old mother NESsie used to make a wonderful soup. It was a delicious mix of big tasty set pieces floating in a lively broth and garnished with the utmost in crispy control schemes. She called this soup Contra.…