Tag: 1986 Release
Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS)
(Review archived from April 5, 2023) I had previously played (and reviewed) Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels as it appeared on Super Mario Bros. Allstars for SNES, but I had never played the original Super Mario Bros. 2 release for Famicom Disk System. So much of what I said about the Allstars version applies…
Fantasy Zone (SMS)
(Review archived from March 28, 2023) Pixy Stix: paper tubes filled with what is essentially fruit flavored sugar. This insidious sugar-based narcotic disguised as children’s candy was basically a rocket ship to the stratosphere of sugar highs. These things always felt like they were on the ‘hardcore’ side of candy consumption to me, ingested by…
Romancia: Dragon Slayer Jr. (Famicom)
(Review archived from March 26, 2023)(English Translation by DvD Translations) Charitably it needs to be said that Romancia was easily the most “modern feeling” iteration of Dragon Slayer at the time of its release. Among other things it has the distinction of being the first Dragon Slayer game in which your sword attack has a…
The Goonies (Famicom)
(Review archived from January 11, 2018) The Goonies is a game that I have been meaning to play for a long time, primarily due to a question I always had regarding its sequel The Goonies II. As a kid I was never entirely certain whether The Goonies II on NES was intended to be a…
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
(Review archived from November 18, 2014) For me this was the game that started all. I received a shiny new NES console along with this game on a fateful Christmas morning in 1987 in the form of a gift from my Mom. I had never really been bitten by the arcade craze partly due to…
Castlevania (NES)
(Review archived from October 26, 2014) Ah … here we have a true classic. After playing Symphony of the Night, I had the urge to take it back to the source where it all began. Famous for its punishing difficulty, this is the one that started a legacy in gaming. I’ve beaten it on a…