Tag: 1997 Release
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus: Salamander (PS1)
(Review archived from April 25, 2018) Shoot’em ups are always an interesting genre for me. By and large I completely suck at them, but because I completely suck, it’s almost as if they become that much more interesting to me. They’re like this ungraspable ‘other’ that I can never fully comprehend, and the harder I try to do so, the farther…
A Fork in the Tale (PC)
(Review archived from April 18, 2018) Initially I really wanted to roast A Fork in the Tale, because well … negative reviews are always more fun to write and “Har har, FMV sux”. I even wrote a bit of a takedown piece based on my initial impressions of the game after having played it for an hour…
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut – DualShock Ver. (PS1)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Can you believe that I had never played a Resident Evil game to completion!? I was always more of a Silent Hill guy, and the trappings of Resident Evil had always seemed a bit campy for my tastes. And you know what? Resident Evil is totally campy. But in a good way. This…
Fallout (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) This is a game where I kind of lost my way in terms of providing a coherent end game summation. I honestly didn’t know what to say about it, and in many was I still don’t. First though let’s start with some basics. The hype around this game is…
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
(Review archived from October 10, 2014) This one has been in my backlog forever. I finally got around to playing it as part of my annual Halloween Gaming Blowout this year, and I had a blast. I finished it with 200.2% completion (with the help of a walkthrough), and was captivated by the masterful gameplay and…