Tag: Beaten 2015
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
(Review archived from July 29, 2015) True confessions time. This is the first game I’ve ever beaten for a Sega console. Shocking I know. While I certainly wouldn’t ascribe to being a Nintendo fanboy, I exclusively played Nintendo consoles growing up until such time that I moved on to Sony based hardware. So Sega consoles…
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from July 29, 2015) As the title indicates, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is an amalgamation of two earlier games, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. I’m calling this an amalgamation as opposed to a compilation due to the fact that the gameplay is…
Grand Theft Auto III (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from April 21, 2015) Every legend begins somewhere, and Grand Theft Auto III is the game that laid the foundation not only for the entire GTA series as we know it today, but in many ways for the entire open-world sandbox structure of games that continue to enjoy popularity. It’s been said that…
Super Mario Land (GB)
(Review archived from March 11, 2015) Super Mario Land is pretty good for a GameBoy platformer, I’m just not entirely convinced it’s a great Mario game. What I mean is that if you swapped out the Mario sprite and animations in this game for any other random platforming hero, this game would be almost unidentifiable…
King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown [AGDI] (PC)
(Review archived from March 6, 2015) King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown represents one of my earliest exposures to PC gaming proper. Although I had my trusty NES console growing up (and much later an SNES that I saved up enough money to purchase myself), I never had my own computer until I entered…
Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (SNES)
(Review archived from March 6, 2015) Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels is a Super Mario fever dream hallucinated through a fog of several consecutive bad acid trips and moments of religious epiphany. The gaming world tends to think of Shigeru Miyamoto as that super fun uncle from your childhood who was always cracking jokes…
Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. (SNES)
(Review archived from February 28, 2015) Ya know it’s funny; pretty much every time I fire up Super Mario Bros. it’s the original NES version, and I always forget about this updated release of the game. And that’s a shame really because I have no qualms declaring this to be the definitive version of the…
River City Ransom EX (GBA)
(Review archived from February 26, 2015) River City Ransom is an interesting game in that it was never astoundingly popular on the NES at the time of its release. It was later that the retro gaming scene contributed enormously to the popularity this game has today. And with good reason. IMO this game is the…
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from February 24, 2015) Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is the second chapter in the ongoing saga of the inimitable assassin Ezio Auditore. In many ways this game dials in the scope of the story of Ezio while continuing to refine and expand upon gameplay elements present in the Assassin’s Creed series. The story in Brotherhood picks…