Tag: Beaten 2015
Mega Man (NES)
(Review archived from January 27, 2015) Mega Man was the first game that I ever heard about via word of mouth. Bear in mind that this was before the internet, before orchestrated video game advertising campaigns, and largely before journalistic media coverage of console gaming was officially a ‘thing’ (this would have been somewhere around…
Rygar (NES)
(Review archived from January 22, 2015) Many of the hidden gems on the NES have gone on to gain notoriety in such a way as to call their ‘hidden’ status into question. Some of these games, like River City Ransom for instance, have transitioned from being hidden gems to well-known, bona-fide classics. For the most…
Richard & Alice (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 19, 2015) Richard & Alice strikes me as a hybrid mix of point & click adventure meets visual novel. Let’s start out with the high points here. The story of Richard & Alice is absolutely compelling with a particular high note being the well written dialog between characters. The conversational segments…
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
(Review archived from January 16, 2015) This isn’t my first play through of Link to the Past by any stretch of the imagination, but it is my first in quite a number of years. In many ways this was the first game in the Zelda series to have begun the process of codifying the lore…
BioShock 2 (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 7, 2015) If popular opinion is to be believed, Bioshock 2 is a game that suffers under the shadow of the remarkable first game in the series, which is mostly regarded as being the better of the two journeys into the depths of Rapture (that is, if one can actually classify…