Tag: Capcom

  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

    The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

    As opposed to the Zelda games I’ve reviewed previously on the blog, this was my first playthrough of Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.  Nostalgia goggles can definitely have an impact when playing through retro games, so it’s always interesting to come at an older game with a completely fresh set of eyes, free from…

  • Mega Man 6 (NES)

    Mega Man 6 (NES)

    (Review archived from April 20, 2023*) Ah Mega Man 6, the Blue Bomber’s swan song on the 8-bit system that brought him into our living rooms. Our boy was growing up. Upon the U.S. release date of Mega Man 6 however (November 5, 1993), what ‘growing up’ really meant for Mega Man is that we…

  • Capcom Generations: Chronicles of Arthur: Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (PS1)

    Capcom Generations: Chronicles of Arthur: Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (PS1)

    (Review archived from October 30, 2018) The real question of course is why one would wear only a pair of boxer shorts under a full suit of plate mail. I mean the chaffing alone must be horrid, not to mention the oxidation effects of all that sweat build-up in the armor itself. Ah well, maybe when you…

  • Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version (PS1)

    Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version (PS1)

    (Review archived from October 29, 2018) Part of what I enjoyed the about the first Resident Evil game was how well it was able to fulfill its cinematic aspirations and the degree to which it was an homage to its influences in horror cinema. Particularly in the first half of the game, it really has…

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Trials and Tribulations (3DS)

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Trials and Tribulations (3DS)

    (Review archived from October 5, 2018) Reviewing the third title in the Ace Attorney Trilogy is a bit like sitting down with a packet of jelly beans and writing a review for the third one you eat … after having written separate reviews for the first two. Sure, each one might have subtle individual nuances…

  • Mickey Mousecapade (NES)

    Mickey Mousecapade (NES)

    (Review archived from January 25, 2018) I have a bit of nefarious history with Mickey Mousecapade that I’ve never admitted to anyone … until now. The year was 1988, Christmas time. At this point the NES had been a resident of our household for almost exactly one year (I’d received it as a Christmas gift…

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Justice for All (3DS)

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy: Justice for All (3DS)

    (Review archived from January 25, 2018) The Phoenix Wright series has always struck me as an idea that doesn’t really work on paper. A visual novel series developed by Capcom with popular appeal in mind, half of which takes place inside a courtroom? But against all odds, the Phoenix Wright series found success, a sizeable…

  • Resident Evil: Director’s Cut – DualShock Ver. (PS1)

    Resident Evil: Director’s Cut – DualShock Ver. (PS1)

    (Review archived from January 20, 2016) Can you believe that I had never played a Resident Evil game to completion!? I was always more of a Silent Hill guy, and the trappings of Resident Evil had always seemed a bit campy for my tastes. And you know what? Resident Evil is totally campy. But in a good way. This…

  • Mega Man (NES)

    Mega Man (NES)

    (Review archived from January 27, 2015) Mega Man was the first game that I ever heard about via word of mouth. Bear in mind that this was before the internet, before orchestrated video game advertising campaigns, and largely before journalistic media coverage of console gaming was officially a ‘thing’ (this would have been somewhere around…