Tag: Castlevania
Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
(Review archived from October 14, 2018) Castlevania: Dracula X is often remembered as being one of the weaker entries in the Castlevania lineage, and that’s only if it gets remembered at all. Because for better or worse it also tends to be shuffled off as an extremely scaled back port of Rondo of Blood. But…
Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) You know what? For this one I’m just going to paste in the notes that I took over the course of playing the game with only slight editing: Love the callback to the original Castlevania in which the character walks across the screen before the beginning of each level.…
Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Wow, Castlevania’s first outing on the GameBoy is really something ain’t it? I mean, wow it’s just … wow. Look, truth be known I think I could be more forgiving towards this game if it wasn’t a Castlevania game. But it is a Castlevania game, and as such I feel that I need to make…
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
(Review archived from November 2, 2014) This game is a masterpiece. It is impeccably made and so well put together that it’s extremely difficult to find flaw with it. Some of the changes to core gameplay (8 way whip control, ‘whip waggling’, and controlling jumps in midair), might not be to everyone’s fancy but that comes…
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse (NES)
(Review archived from November 2, 2014) Here we come to the absolute pinnacle of the Castlevania trilogy on the NES. This game is famous for pushing the NES to the absolute limits of its hardware, and it was long considered a benchmark for NES emulator accuracy due to its demanding nature. This truly is an…
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (NES)
(Review archived from November 2, 2014) This is without a doubt the most unusual entry in the original NES trilogy, and in some ways this was the first Castlevania in the genre that would eventually take its namesake, the ‘metroidvania’ genre (Some would say that Symphony of the NIght is the first definitive entry, but all the…
Castlevania (NES)
(Review archived from October 26, 2014) Ah … here we have a true classic. After playing Symphony of the Night, I had the urge to take it back to the source where it all began. Famous for its punishing difficulty, this is the one that started a legacy in gaming. I’ve beaten it on a…
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
(Review archived from October 10, 2014) This one has been in my backlog forever. I finally got around to playing it as part of my annual Halloween Gaming Blowout this year, and I had a blast. I finished it with 200.2% completion (with the help of a walkthrough), and was captivated by the masterful gameplay and…