Tag: Konami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
(Review archived from April 13, 2023) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade title was hot in arcades during the time in my life when I was the exact target demographic for arcade patronage. Coupled with the fact that it tapped into the cultural zeitgeist of rampant turtle-mania at the very pinnacle of the phenomenon, it’s…
Rocket Knight Adventures (Genesis)
(Review archived from January 26, 2019) Despite the fact that Rocket Knight Adventures is a Konami title, I can’t help but draw mental comparisons to some of the better known Treasure games released for Sega systems. And because Treasure was actually formed by ex-Konami employees, I can’t help but wonder whether that connection actually has…
Salamander Portable: Gradius 2 (PSP)
(Review archived from January 4, 2019) This is the tale of two reviews, one which addresses the base game of Gradius 2, and another which speaks to this specific port of the original MSX title. In terms of the game itself, Gradius 2 is … fine … I guess. It expands a bit on the arcade game, but these…
Silent Hill 2 (PC)
(Review archived from October 15, 2018) In my restless dreams,I see that town.Silent Hill.You promised you’d take methere again someday.… But you never did. Well I’m alone there now …In our ‘special place’ …Waiting for you. If you’ve played Silent Hill 2 before, you know these words well. Heck, if you’re a superfan you can…
Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
(Review archived from October 14, 2018) Castlevania: Dracula X is often remembered as being one of the weaker entries in the Castlevania lineage, and that’s only if it gets remembered at all. Because for better or worse it also tends to be shuffled off as an extremely scaled back port of Rondo of Blood. But…
Operation C (GB)
(Review archived from August 16, 2018) Conceptualize with me for a moment if you will. Your dear old mother NESsie used to make a wonderful soup. It was a delicious mix of big tasty set pieces floating in a lively broth and garnished with the utmost in crispy control schemes. She called this soup Contra.…
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus: Salamander (PS1)
(Review archived from April 25, 2018) Shoot’em ups are always an interesting genre for me. By and large I completely suck at them, but because I completely suck, it’s almost as if they become that much more interesting to me. They’re like this ungraspable ‘other’ that I can never fully comprehend, and the harder I try to do so, the farther…
Rush’n Attack (NES)
(Review archived from April 17, 2018) When we talk about video game relics of the Cold War, it’s hard to miss the thinly veiled word play going on with the title of Rush’n Attack. Although it was released as ‘Green Beret’ in other countries, the name was changed for the U.S. release of the game,…
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES)
(Review archived from January 17, 2018) The first thing I need to make clear is that I’m completely biased in my views regarding Batman: The Animated Series. For me this version of Batman remains the definitive onscreen version of the character and that includes cinematic adaptations. The Animated Series gave Batman fans something to hold…