Tag: Sierra
Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon (PC/GOG)
(Review archived from February 20, 2023) One of the fun aspects of the Space Quest series thus far is that, is that the ongoing story transitions seamlessly from one game to the next. So rather than an episodic format, each game picks up from (more or less) where the previous one ended. It’s a nice…
The Colonel’s Bequest (PC/GOG)
(Review archived from March 12, 2018) The Colonel’s Bequest wears its murder mystery inspirations on its sleeve. This is a ‘murder mystery in a mansion’ that plays it fairly straight as an homage to the works of Agatha Christie most prominently. The heroine detective, the time period, and the menagerie of possible suspects are all…
King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown [AGDI] (PC)
(Review archived from March 6, 2015) King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown represents one of my earliest exposures to PC gaming proper. Although I had my trusty NES console growing up (and much later an SNES that I saved up enough money to purchase myself), I never had my own computer until I entered…