Tag: Steam
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from April 15, 2023) Shovel Knight is one of the finest examples of what I’d consider to be ‘the golden age of modern retro-style games,’ a period of time I’d loosely bound as being between the years of 2010 and 2015. These days you practically can’t even skip a loose Super Metroid cart…
She and The Light Bearer (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from February 12, 2023) She and the Light Bearer is a game with personality and heart, that much is clear. What we have here is a point and click adventure game with a gorgeous dreamy art style that serves well as backdrop for the creation myth fable it conveys. It’s a game that…
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from February 6, 2023) While everyone else was preparing for some other open world Harry Potter game, I opted to dip into the Pensieve and re-visit a much earlier iteration on the concept … Within reasonable margins, I don’t really believe in ‘guilty pleasures’. So long as you enjoy it, and it’s not actively harmful…
Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 4, 2019) Although it’s been a few years since I played Bioshock 2, I had never completed this DLC expansion pack. But to call Minerva’s Den a mere ‘expansion pack’ is a bit of a disservice actually. What we have here is a full-fledged single player campaign with a nicely written…
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from November 21, 2018) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time served to reboot the venerable Prince of Persia series following on the heels of Prince of Persia 3D which was the series’ first fully 3D title … albeit a rather poor game. Thankfully The Sands of Time provided a fresh start for…
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: The Lost Archive (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from November 4, 2018) The Lost Archive has us assuming the role of Clay Kaczmarek who was the ill-fated predecessor of Desmond Miles in the Animus project. There’s not a whole lot of plot to be found in this expansion, but it’s here that we learn a little bit about the history of the enigmatic…
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from October 31, 2018) Once you get deep into an episodic story, it gets a little bit hard to talk about without spoilers. I’m going to do my best to avoid that in this review, but do be aware that I’m talking about the fourth game (or fifth depending on how you count…
Half-Life: Source (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from February 2, 2018) Half-Life was a game that I missed at the time of its original release and never got around to playing in subsequent years. The primary reason for this is that I was an exclusive console gamer at the time and too darned poor to really delve into the popular…
To the Moon (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 8, 2018) To the Moon is one of those critical darlings of the indie scene from a few years back that I always seem to finally play well after the hubbub has died down. While its RPG Maker roots are still pretty apparent in terms of graphical assets, I feel that…