Category: PC

  • Dead Island (PC/Steam)

    Dead Island (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from January 20, 2016) This game is a jack of all trades master of none. It’s a first person brawler, a driving game, a FPS, it has RPG styled skill trees, etc. The trouble with this is that so many of its ideas seem a little half-baked as a result, which ultimately leaves…

  • Fallout (PC/Steam)

    Fallout (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from January 20, 2016) This is a game where I kind of lost my way in terms of providing a coherent end game summation. I honestly didn’t know what to say about it, and in many was I still don’t. First though let’s start with some basics. The hype around this game is…

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PC/Steam)

    LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from July 29, 2015) As the title indicates, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is an amalgamation of two earlier games, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. I’m calling this an amalgamation as opposed to a compilation due to the fact that the gameplay is…

  • Grand Theft Auto III (PC/Steam)

    Grand Theft Auto III (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from April 21, 2015) Every legend begins somewhere, and Grand Theft Auto III is the game that laid the foundation not only for the entire GTA series as we know it today, but in many ways for the entire open-world sandbox structure of games that continue to enjoy popularity. It’s been said that…

  • King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown [AGDI] (PC)

    King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown [AGDI] (PC)

    (Review archived from March 6, 2015) King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown represents one of my earliest exposures to PC gaming proper. Although I had my trusty NES console growing up (and much later an SNES that I saved up enough money to purchase myself), I never had my own computer until I entered…

  • Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PC/Steam)

    Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from February 24, 2015) Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is the second chapter in the ongoing saga of the inimitable assassin Ezio Auditore.  In many ways this game dials in the scope of the story of Ezio while continuing to refine and expand upon gameplay elements present in the Assassin’s Creed series. The story in Brotherhood picks…

  • Richard & Alice (PC/Steam)

    Richard & Alice (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from January 19, 2015) Richard & Alice strikes me as a hybrid mix of point & click adventure meets visual novel. Let’s start out with the high points here. The story of Richard & Alice is absolutely compelling with a particular high note being the well written dialog between characters. The conversational segments…

  • BioShock 2 (PC/Steam)

    BioShock 2 (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from January 7, 2015) If popular opinion is to be believed, Bioshock 2 is a game that suffers under the shadow of the remarkable first game in the series, which is mostly regarded as being the better of the two journeys into the depths of Rapture (that is, if one can actually classify…

  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (PC/Steam)

    LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (PC/Steam)

    (Review archived from December 5, 2014) First let me say that this is a great game.  It maintains the classic “collect all the stuff” game play of other Lego titles, as well as the trademark humor and exploration, but it also does a few things differently.  Specifically the spells that you learn throughout the course…