Tag: 2004 Release
Red Dead Revolver (PS2)
(Review archived from February 8, 2023) I tend to get a little bit compulsive where it comes to playing game series in the order of release. I enjoy seeing the iterative changes to series over time, as it affords the opportunity to discern the philosophy and thought processes that went into the production of a…
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2)
(Review archived from August 20, 2018) Ah … the ubiquitous 6th gen WWII FPS, the genre equivalent of white bread to a console generation that birthed a glut of them. I won’t lie; I’ve put off put off reviewing Call of Duty: Finest Hour after having beaten it because I couldn’t imagine what I might…
Maniac Mansion Deluxe [LucasFan Games] (PC)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) I had beaten this game on the NES, but never on the PC which to my mind is probably the definitive version. In order to mix things up a bit I opted for the LucasFan Games remake version of the Maniac Mansion (thus the Deluxe designation), and I was not disappointed. The updated…
River City Ransom EX (GBA)
(Review archived from February 26, 2015) River City Ransom is an interesting game in that it was never astoundingly popular on the NES at the time of its release. It was later that the retro gaming scene contributed enormously to the popularity this game has today. And with good reason. IMO this game is the…