Tag: Beaten 2015
Grim Fandango Remastered (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) This is one of those games that manages to get by purely on the strength of its wit, charm, and guile. And that’s all it needs really. Sure the gameplay is sort of janky in parts. Sure the pacing is a hot mess. Sure there are several off the wall ‘moon-logic’…
Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) You know what? For this one I’m just going to paste in the notes that I took over the course of playing the game with only slight editing: Love the callback to the original Castlevania in which the character walks across the screen before the beginning of each level.…
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut – DualShock Ver. (PS1)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Can you believe that I had never played a Resident Evil game to completion!? I was always more of a Silent Hill guy, and the trappings of Resident Evil had always seemed a bit campy for my tastes. And you know what? Resident Evil is totally campy. But in a good way. This…
Maniac Mansion Deluxe [LucasFan Games] (PC)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) I had beaten this game on the NES, but never on the PC which to my mind is probably the definitive version. In order to mix things up a bit I opted for the LucasFan Games remake version of the Maniac Mansion (thus the Deluxe designation), and I was not disappointed. The updated…
Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) Wow, Castlevania’s first outing on the GameBoy is really something ain’t it? I mean, wow it’s just … wow. Look, truth be known I think I could be more forgiving towards this game if it wasn’t a Castlevania game. But it is a Castlevania game, and as such I feel that I need to make…
Dead Island (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) This game is a jack of all trades master of none. It’s a first person brawler, a driving game, a FPS, it has RPG styled skill trees, etc. The trouble with this is that so many of its ideas seem a little half-baked as a result, which ultimately leaves…
Fallout (PC/Steam)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) This is a game where I kind of lost my way in terms of providing a coherent end game summation. I honestly didn’t know what to say about it, and in many was I still don’t. First though let’s start with some basics. The hype around this game is…
Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic (FDS)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016)(English Translation by Vice Translations) Continuing a rather protracted retracing of the Super Mario Bros. lexicon, I’ve made an intentional effort to take my time, slow down, and observe some of the more obscure facets of that universe. Accordingly it was practically obligatory that I play through Doki Doki Panic…
Contra (NES)
(Review archived from July 29, 2015) After finishing Sonic, I started up Contra on a whim, as I hadn’t played it for a while. I had forgotten how short this game is (even by the standards of its time)! Any time spent with Contra is time well spent though. One of the things I love…