Tag: Fangame
Maniac Mansion Deluxe [LucasFan Games] (PC)
(Review archived from January 20, 2016) I had beaten this game on the NES, but never on the PC which to my mind is probably the definitive version. In order to mix things up a bit I opted for the LucasFan Games remake version of the Maniac Mansion (thus the Deluxe designation), and I was not disappointed. The updated…
King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown [AGDI] (PC)
(Review archived from March 6, 2015) King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown represents one of my earliest exposures to PC gaming proper. Although I had my trusty NES console growing up (and much later an SNES that I saved up enough money to purchase myself), I never had my own computer until I entered…